I intend to post the thoughts that occur to me. The normal everday thoughts such as "the weather is nice", the nice ones about the things I do which make me happy and the darker ones that I don't tell my friends in real life because I don't feel I can.
Published on June 14, 2004 By Exar Kuun In Blogging
Todays been a bit hectic, first of all I've covered over 200 hundred miles to get a piece of paper signed by one of my uni tutors, my fault for procrastinating and not getting it done last week. It was my third to last day at uni, two more days and I leave with my teaching qualification - scary. Education is a huge responsibility, no more weekday nights getting smashed and turning up just going through the paces - the kids would murder me! Education is also a huge reward, the most rewarding thing I have ever done.

While on my early morning travels I was reading the daily telegraph, being the true blue conservative that I am, I saw an article on a pet peeve of mine the european union. It got me thinking about why I have an aversion to the EU. Is it just a knee-jerk nationalistic response? Is it just some form of racial/cultural memory from a bygone age when we were constantly at war with the EU that is so ingrained that I don't even recognise it?

Thinking this morning helped me clear my head somewhat and I think I can now honestly say no. I believe it was Reagan who said that "America is a country with a government". Which lead me to thinking are there are two types of country perhaps, a country with a government and conversely a government with a country? In the UK we are most certainly a country with a government, by and large are entire population supports and encourages the electoral process, it had become ingrained after hundreds of years that the government is the servant of the people. When you look at the EU on the other hand it is quite clearly a government with a country, this country "the EU" consists of twenty five smaller ones whose interests are being crushed in the seemingly unstoppable advance of european federalism, which is why it will not work the EU is a government imposed upon a country that has one purpose - its own survival. I thinkthat this is comparable to other "governments with countries" such as the old USSR, Yugoslavia, the eastern bloc, czechoslovakia, etc. they all ended up collapsing because the interest of the government was not improving its citizens lot but ensuring its own survival. After these thoughts the EU doesn't worry me quite so much, eventually it will collapse under its own weight.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 14, 2004
Glad to see you writing articles! I start my teaching degree in Sept, scary stuff! Be worth it though I hope!
on Jun 14, 2004
Thanks Sally , I saw everyone else doing it and thought why not?
on Jun 14, 2004
! I start my teaching degree in Sept,

What age are you going to teach? I'm 11-19, if you want a hand let me know!
on Jun 14, 2004
Ha! Like I'm smart enough, or brave enough in fact to try 11-19, I'm sticking to under 11's thank you very much! Hehe, thanks for the offer I might take you up on that!
on Jun 14, 2004
I'm sticking to under 11's

As part of my training I had to do a week in a primary school and lets just say I admire your bravery. It was the most terryfying time of my life, a little girl stood in front of me crying and I froze I did not have a clue what to do when faced with an irrational emotional five year old, I think its a bloke thing;) Feel free to take me up on the offer of help I'm a science, PE and maths lad
on Jun 14, 2004
OMG! What about the puberty ridden teenager, who is incapable of rational thought or good manners. Give me the crying five year old any day! I've done teaching assistant jobs, and loved it, they are so much more open to new things, and actually appreciate the concept of learning!
on Jun 14, 2004
and actually appreciate the concept of learning

The one thing that has shocked me over the past year is how much ALL children want to learn, its one of the best things about the job, they want to hear what you have to say. So in other words I know exactly what you mean
on Jun 14, 2004
I have two questions for you, how old are you, and where in England are you? (don't worry I'm not a sick stalker, just a nosey old bag!)
on Jun 14, 2004
I am 24 and I live in Bristol for the moment although that is about to change and I've no idea where. How's about you?
on Jun 14, 2004
I'm a baby compared to you, hehe. I'll be 21 in two weeks, and I'm in good ol' Manchester
on Jun 14, 2004
Hey my mate Rob's moving up to Manchester to start uni in a couple of months and he is 21 too! What did you study at uni?

I'm a baby compared to you

Ouch! That makes me sound old, I turn twenty five soon, the quarter century(
on Jun 14, 2004
I did sociology, psychology and media, yucky, yuck YUCK, hehe! Twenty five, wow, you're like middle aged
on Jun 14, 2004
Twenty five, wow, you're like middle aged


hey thats interesting!
on Jun 14, 2004
...yeah it sounds it doesn't it? Sociology was worse, by far, at least it gave me nap time!
on Jun 14, 2004
I enjoyed your article very much even though I do see your hatred for the EU to be odd. I am all for globalization. Well, not completely because with it comes a whole new set of problems. The forming of the EU was a great step in the right direction, in my opinion of course. At the same time though, it has made quite a distinction in who is who in the world. At the same time, I am a stupid American. Yes Americans are stupid. I'm an educated one, yet I'm limited to what I know, so I study the past to figure out why we do what we do over and over and over again. Humans are so insane.

Sorry I got off on a tangent. Coffee makes the mind confused!
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