This probably should have gone at the very negining of my blog, who am I? What do I do? Where have I come from? Where I am going? I was borm into the stereotypical English middle class family. I was the younger of two children, I have an older sister. By and large the first eleven years of my life was 'normal'. Our parents were more concerned with how much money they could be making than us, this was the eighties remember - greed is good. Then they could show off to their friends,...
Okay its taken me a little while to recover from my prom. I don't normally drink and I've been told I was challenging everyone to shots at the end of the night. From what I remember it was great fun. The food was good, the wine was good and the company was good. I saw alot of old friends that I hadn't seen for a while what with one thing and another. Only one bad thing happened, I started dancing and my dancing skills leave alot to be desired. I've been told that I look like I am having...
Uni prom tonight. All of the people on my course, the sight of us all dressed to the nines. Acting confident, "Yeh I'm da man" but really being driven by the undercurrent of pheromones, gathering in herds searching for a mate. The awkward first hour before the "dutch courage" kicks in and people start talking and reminiscing of all the fun times we have had together. Most of us will not ever see each other again after this year but it doesn't matter. For this one night, full of glitterin...
Todays been a bit hectic, first of all I've covered over 200 hundred miles to get a piece of paper signed by one of my uni tutors, my fault for procrastinating and not getting it done last week. It was my third to last day at uni, two more days and I leave with my teaching qualification - scary. Education is a huge responsibility, no more weekday nights getting smashed and turning up just going through the paces - the kids would murder me! Education is also a huge reward, the most rewardin...